lucky bamboo, repotting lucky bamboo, new soil, good soil, sacrifice and uncertainty, new environment, trust God in times of uncertainty

That new level you so badly want to be on is going to require some scary sacrifice and uncertainty.

I know because I’m right there with you bestie. Smack dab in the middle of another pivot, another wilderness season. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably thinking how you’re sick and tired of being here again.

But this time, I am going into this season with some faith because I know joy and growth are on the other side.

Speaking of growth, let me tell you about the story of my lucky bamboo plant that I named Sebastian. I know you didn’t come here to learn about plants, but think of it as an added bonus with a revelation at the end.

crop gardener showing tropical plant with roots, lucky bamboo, repotting lucky bamboo, new soil, good soil, sacrifice and uncertainty, new environment, trust God in times of uncertainty
Photo by Teona Swift on

Stepping Into New

I picked up my lucky bamboo plant on one of my first grocery trips after moving into my apartment. If you read my blog on not settling, you know what a beautifully chaotic journey that was. Anyways, the plant was tiny, new and scary because your girl was a certified plant serial killer at the time. Luckily the plant grew in water. It’s harder to overwater something that is hydroponic. Sebastian the lucky bamboo plant was symbolic of the new journey that I was embarking on.

Since then Sebastian has flourished. His roots have really spread and I’ve continuously placed him in bigger pots whenever I noticed he was getting bigger.

That was up until recently. The plant has not grown much and it’s not as green as it used to be. In fact, some of the leaves are now yellowing. After much research and a stubborn nudge from my mother, I learned that the plant can only grow for so long in water. Eventually it has to be repotted into soil that will give it the proper nourishment it needs to continue.

The problem is I wanted to keep the plant in water because it’s comfortable and easier for me to avoid killing it.

In water and glass bowls, I can see the plant more clearly. I can see when the water is low and when the rocks need cleaning. It doesn’t require much effort and responsibility on my end.

That’s right, it’s a me problem.

My fear of repotting the plant into soil was keeping the plant from reaching its full potential. Oftentimes, we go about things the same way with our life decisions. Because of comfort and familiarity, we refuse to make the next move. The move that requires a bold, scary step into uncertainty.

The Sacrifice and Uncertainty In Newness

Let me say it one more time for the people in the back. Your new level is going to require scary sacrifice and uncertainty.

sprig of dracaena near pile of copybooks on table,  lucky bamboo, repotting lucky bamboo, new soil, good soil, sacrifice and uncertainty, new environment, trust God in times of uncertainty
Photo by George Milton on

Wilderness Seasons

And just like I have to transition my lucky bamboo plant into soil, we have to transition into newness too. We have to allow ourselves to be planted in this season. And that may look like a wilderness season or a valley season.

Wilderness and valley seasons are tough. They require great sacrifices like intentional alone time that may lead to loneliness. Sometimes it may require ending friendships and relationships. Isolation is a prerequisite for wilderness seasons. Because sometimes God needs you alone to hear Him and see Him more clearly.

One of my favorite podcasts had an episode that was so timely this week. The Slay Girl Slay podcast mentioned how there are reasons for every season. Some seasons will be filled with company and some seasons it will be just you, God and your purpose.

In order to thrive in our purpose, we may have to have some mindset shifts, be pruned of relationships, character traits and bad habits. But those are the results that wilderness and valley seasons yield.

We can only grow so much on this level. Although transitioning into something new may be scary because of the uncertainty, a better you is worth it. The soil is going to help replenish my lucky bamboo plant, and this season will help replenish you.

Keep growing besties!

xoxorickeshia, lifestyle blogger, Spring 2023, Summer 2023, social media marketing tips, affiliate marketing, content marketing


  1. Powerful read! I was just discussing this topic with a friend of mine who is scared to take that first step towards risk. I cant wait to share this post with her! Thank you 🙂

    1. Ah! Well I hope it’s helpful to her! Thanks for reading 😊

  2. taking the first step…. this made me think about my life and where I want to take it . Thank you

    1. Of course! Thanks for reading 😊

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