plane wing and a pink sky, Spring 2023, stuck in layover, stuck in a long layover

Are you at a place in your life where you’re feeling stuck or stagnant?

Maybe in one area of your life or maybe it’s multiple areas that have you feeling down.

I’m in that same boat. As a matter of fact, I’m not just in the same boat, I’m in the yacht of feeling stagnant. It feels like I’m constantly hitting the wall while everyone else is flourishing.

But you didn’t come here for my complaints about feeling stuck. If you did, go read my blog post on the quarter life crisis. There’s lots of complaining over there.

I want to share a word that God gave me when I felt upset about my current job situation.

This is simply just a layover.

airplane flying in the pink sky, stuck in layover, stuck on a long layover, Spring 2023, summer 2023
Photo by Екатерина 🐌 on

Stuck In Layover

Even if you’ve never been on a plane, you probably know what a layover flight is.

But just in case you don’t know, let me break it down for you. A layover flight simply means there will be a stop during your journey. Oftentimes, you will have to board a new plane to continue on your journey. Layovers vary in time. Some are only 30 minutes while others can last hours and hours like Muni Long.

In short, they can be frustrating to some while being an opportunity for others to explore new grounds.

It’s all about your perspective.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. My current job and my love life, unfulfilling. If you’re like me, you’re probably asking why you landed here and why it’s taking so long to continue on your journey. I have a little bittersweet news for you now. This isn’t Manifest, we can’t be up in the clouds for years on flight 828. We have to land somewhere.

a close up shot of a clock and a potted plant, stuck in layover, stuck on a long layover, Spring 2023, summer 2023
Photo by Kindel Media on

Remember I said this was bittersweet news though.

It wasn’t until I got flustered and frustrated enough and cried out to God about it. And I heard him say, “this is just a layover.”

I’ve never had a layover flight, but I knew exactly what that meant.

Waiting season. A season of preparation and a time to explore the world around me until it was time to board again.

Perspective shifts will keep you feeling stuck or feeling blessed with an opportunity that you otherwise wouldn’t have had.

Maximize Your Layover

Maximizing your layover experience requires you to focus on making the most out of situations you’d deem as sucky

Yes, we’d all love to get to the next location in our journey. But we’re here right now, so we might as well maximize on this moment.

If you really think about it, there are pros and cons to a lot of things. The pros of being single are numerous, and I’m not just saying that because I’m bias. I’ve learned to love and embrace my single season. Solo dates, basking in solitude, and not having to share my space are just a few advantages.

xoxorickeshia, lifestyle blogger, pink quote graphics, stuck in layover, stuck on a long layover, Spring 2023, summer 2023

Of course I want to be a wife someday, but I spend the time I have now preparing for that season. I’m learning how to cook new meals and learning how to effectively communicate and show up for other people selflessly.

The same goes for my career journey and purpose.

I know that I’m called to women. I’m not exactly sure how, but I’ve always been sure about being an advocate for women. So I spent a lot of time healing myself. Because if I’m not healed, I can’t be a firm foundation and safe space for other women to lean on.

When I’m at work, I listen to podcasts and sermons that help keep me motivated. My cubicle is like my incubator. I know it’s not where I’ve landed to stay, but it’s birthing something beyond my wildest dreams.

Your destination isn’t going anywhere. Sometimes God has to make you wait and prepare you before you can take flight.

This is simply just a layover.

P.S. Be sure to download these graphics and hang them in your cubicle/home as a reminder.

xoxorickeshia, lifestyle blogger, Spring 2023, social media marketing tips, content marketing


  1. […] And while the idea of going back to the office is dreadful, our outfits don’t have to be. I go by the idea that if you look good, you feel good. And if you feel good, you can change your perspective about those looming feelings about your job. Trust me, I’m no stranger to feeling stuck at a job. Just read my post on being stuck in layover. […]

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