mental health, best tips for mental health, better mental health, anxiety, depression, bi polar disorder, improve my mental health, mental health awareness month, summer 2023, fall 2023, spring 2023, winter 2023, summertime sadness

It MAY be the end of Mental Health Awareness Month, but we could all use better mental health.

It’s no surprise that anxiety and depression are on the rise. Pandemics, mass shootings and systemic racism are just a few reasons that have contributed to increased mental health illnesses.

Aside from the bigger issues of the world, we have all dealt with catastrophe in our personal lives as well. Financial strain, the effects of social media, death of loved ones and overall loneliness. Also read: Grief and Loss: 10 Devastating Truths You May Encounter.

Let’s just be real, at this point in time, we’re all a little unhinged. We’ve been through a lot besties, and life still keeps happening.

If life is going to keep throwing jabs, we need tips on how to fight back. Or at least avoid the hands that life keeps throwing our way. Although I am no expert, I do struggle with anxiety and occasional depression. I may know a thing or two, so I’m here to share the tips that have helped me.

Better Mental Health, Better Me

The code that I’ve cracked when it comes to being in a better space mentally comes down to a series of personal choices. Like anything else in life, we have to consistently adjust some of our lifestyle choices. Sorry not sorry, but some of your lifestyle habits may be contributing to your mental wellbeing and they gots to go.

mental health, best tips for mental health, better mental health, anxiety, depression, bi polar disorder, improve my mental health, mental health awareness month, summer 2023, fall 2023, spring 2023, winter 2023, summertime sadness
Photo by Madison Oren on Unsplash

Limit Alcohol and Substances: Put the shot down. It will have you feeling fun and happy that night, but depressed and deflated the next day. Alcohol is a depressant. That should say enough, but because it still hasn’t in society, let’s deep dive. Alcohol affects the happy chemicals in our brain (serotonin and dopamine). Although we may feel the boost or “high” it gives us in the moment, we end up being deficient of those chemicals the next day.

Hence, the toxic cycle of repeated drinking. We drink, we feel good, it wears off, we feel sad so we drink again to get that high. It’s basically a promoted addiction at this point.

Caffeine: Caffeine causes jitters. Jitters makes your heart start doing a little awkward dance. Hello anxiety attack. Enough said.

Limit Social Media: I have a love/hate relationship with social media. Although I can see how advancement in technology has many upsides, there’s a dark side as well.

We participate in so much scrolling in one sitting it should be illegal. Scrolling on your favorite social media platforms may seem harmless until you take a step back and consider all the emotions it takes you through. From sad posts to videos that trigger you to posts that create space for comparison. It’s a lot for our brains to handle and it leaves us feeling deflated and unsure of ourselves.

Workout/ Healthy Diet: We’ve talked enough about the things you should avoid and limit, it’s time to pivot to positive changes. I never thought I would be this person, but working out and eating healthy makes me so much happier. It’s something about knowing you’re giving your body what it needs and wants that feels like a self-hug. Also, the compliments on your noticeable weight loss help to boost your confidence.

Therapy: I’m a Christian that backs theology and therapy. Jesus and therapy seem like the best of both worlds to me. One thing I’ve realized is there’s so much healing in just learning the verbiage for your struggles. We hold so many thoughts inside our head that it starts to feel like there’s no room left for them. It helps to be able to talk to someone and to know you’re not the only one experiencing things.

I found my therapist on Zencare, but you can also check out sites like Therapy For Black Girls.

Self-Care Ain’t Selfish

DIY Spa At Home: This year I’ve upped my self care, and that has included making my own spa experience at home. The best part is you can find most of what you need at the dollar store. Candles, fragrance oils, towels and you can even mix yourself up a little mocktail. I like taking hot showers with essential oils steaming and turning on some relaxing spa music on YouTube.

Essential Oils: And speaking of essential oils, these are your best friends. Not only do many of them have relaxing and healing properties, they also help to create that spa experience.

I like to pour a few drops onto a cotton pad and smear it on my shower walls before I get in. The scent intensifies once the steam of the hot shower starts going. My favorite essential oils for better mental health are Lavender, Rosemary and Eucalyptus. Amazon and Walmart both sell assorted essential oils, so you can always mix it up for a little razzle dazzle!

Weighted Blanket: I’m sure there is psychological research and benefits behind weighted blankets. But the truth is, they just feel like a warm hug all night long. From my experience, the pressure from the blanket just creates a safe feeling, allowing me to have better sleep. And better sleep means a healthier mind.

Color/Puzzles: Coloring and doing puzzles ain’t just for the kiddos. Both are relaxing activities that can disrupt those intrusive thoughts and give your mind a little break.

Check out my coloring pages here.

Journal: Writing is therapeutic for me. I mean hello, welcome to my blog. Being able to jot down your thoughts is helpful because sometimes it brings forth revelation. And laying your thoughts onto paper instead of having them scrambled in your head is also helpful.

As a bonus, I like to find new spots to journal at. Coffee shops, parks, restaurants, all a fresh change of scenery for a little more clarity.

I hope these tips help you as much as they help me besties!

xoxorickeshia, lifestyle blogger, Spring 2023, Summer 2023, social media marketing tips, affiliate marketing, content marketing

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